Performance World Custom
Car & Truck Show
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
March 5-7, 2004
Pics by Mike Lynch

Hi All
   The annual Performance World Custom Car and Truck Show was on display in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, March 5-7, 2004. This is a very large show featuring all aspects of the automotive world, spread over a 6 hall convention center. I spoke to all the major $$$$ display car owners, asking their permission to cross into their display area, in order to better photo their cars for showing on events coverage. Everybody was more than accommodating, in turning spotlights off in an effort to get the best possible shots for your viewing. I personally do not believe that just a standard 3/4 front end shot is sufficient to cover these fabulous examples of rolling automotive art.
   Unfortunately, the wife asked if I wanted the extra batteries, in case I ran out of power and you know exactly what happened after 152 pictures, batteries were done like dinner!  Sorry guys and gals, as there was a lot more that deserved to be covered, that did not get done.  Bad �Mad Mike�, to to bed, no dinner for you! We also had a lot of trouble with the inside lighting not being sufficient to illuminate the various cars true colors. What you are now going to see is the best we could come up with under the conditions....  Enjoy!!!.... �Mad Mike� Lynch!!!

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