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Cruisin Products: The Mayflower Build (Segment 5)

The Mayflower
Segment 5

Story By Bob Brace of Cruisin Products


This segment lightly covers the interior features of Barb and Bill’s remarkable build, the Mayflower. I say lightly because the entire interior was fabricated from aluminum panels. All the panels were hand fabricated by Bill and a few friends, insulated in sound deadener and covered with carpet and leather. The pictures only gives you a glimpse of what was involved in the interior of the build. Take the time and study the following pictures of the interior of the Mayflower.

If you happen to see the Mayflower at a car meet this year, be sure and check it out. Barb and Bill are some of the fine examples of people involved in street rodding. The Mayflower is a fine example of their passion in building outstanding cars that rarely get the media coverage so well deserved.

