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Car Show: The FINAL Mark's Classic Cruise End of an Era

The FINAL Mark's Classic Cruise End of an Era

East Granby, CT
Monday, September 13, 2021
Photos by: Bob Warenda
The FINAL Mark’s Cruise Night – September 13, 2021
The rumors about Mark’s 25th season being their last began circulating back in May.   Such rumors were disturbing to hear because Mark’s Classic Cruise wasn’t simply a cruise night; for the past quarter of a century it was a weekly summertime happening.   For years, show car drivers and spectators from all of the New England states and sometimes from New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania gladly made their way through Monday commuter traffic to get to East Granby and be amazed by hundreds of high quality collector cars while having the opportunity to run into old friends and acquaintances, and enjoying the live music performances and trophy award ceremony.  How could anyone have a better Monday evening than that?  
The 2021 season finally got underway in June and the rumors quickly died out.   Late in August, the scheduled Mustang Theme Night was postponed by wet weather, and Mark’s Cruise Night always took the Labor Day holiday off to give the staff a well-deserved break.  It seemed that it was business as usual and the season would wind down on the Monday after Labor Day as it most often did in the past.   However, when we checked Mark’s website on September 11 to see if Mustang Night was re-scheduled for the following Monday, here is the unexpected announcement we found:
“As you may have already heard, MONDAY, September 13, 2021, is the LAST ever Monday Night Mark’s Classic Cruise.   Yes we said LAST.  We will end our run at the Mark’s Cruise Night on September 13, 2021 with Mustang Theme Night, featuring ‘Brother Earl’.  LET’S MAKE THE LAST MARK’S CRUISE NIGHT THE LARGEST EVER.  Make plans to be a part of history and be part of the last Mark’s Classic Cruise Night on September 13, 2021!” 
Monday arrived with clear skies and comfortably warm temperatures.  The expected large turnout proved to be an epic underestimate.   The State Highway and side streets leading to Mark’s were in gridlock by 5 PM.   More than 1,400 cars, trucks, and motorcycles eventually made it through the gate that evening, and the spectator parking lot was filled to capacity as well.  With the property filled to the fences with show cars along with several thousand people, hundreds of additional show cars lined the streets approaching Mark’s show field and were unable to get to the entry gate.   One participant said it best when he drove his T-bucket in while holding a simple cardboard sign saying “ Thanks Mark’s and Crew!!  For all the GOOD TIMES “.   
- Bob Warenda
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